Tell your Representative in Congress you need: Permanent access to paid sick days and paid leave; Universal paid leave - and not just school closures; Accessible paid leave for all - workers at large companies and corporations with over 500 employees should not be excluded; Coverage for healthcare workers and all emergency workers; 100% wage replacement - not just 2/3; Our workers health and financial future should come before bailouts for profitable corporations.
Tell your Representative in Congress you need: Permanent access to paid sick days and paid leave; Universal paid leave - and not just school closures; Accessible paid leave for all - workers at large companies and corporations with over 500 employees should not be excluded; Coverage for healthcare workers and all emergency workers; 100% wage replacement - not just 2/3; Our workers health and financial future should come before bailouts for profitable corporations.
There are no officials for you to contact on Twitter.
Tell your Representative in Congress you need: Permanent access to paid sick days and paid leave; Universal paid leave - and not just school closures; Accessible paid leave for all - workers at large companies and corporations with over 500 employees should not be excluded; Coverage for healthcare workers and all emergency workers; 100% wage replacement - not just 2/3; Our workers health and financial future should come before bailouts for profitable corporations.
Share this action with your friends and family in other areas, their Senators maybe able to vote and help.
You can also sign this petition and join the paid sick time movement to provide all workers with paid sick time and ensure employers keep their jobs open for the duration of any virus-related time missed from work, including quarantine and isolation periods in line with recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control.
Workers need paid sick days to cope with illness, caring for a loved one, and not being able to work. Your advocacy will help!